Louisiana Quilt Documentation Project

Louisiana Quilt Documentation Project -- Credits

By Susan Roach

The Louisiana Quilt Documentation Project and Website are made possible through the efforts of a number of people and partnerships, whose contributions are acknowledged here. We also thank the host organizations and institutions, which sponsored the documentation clinics and the numerous volunteers.

Project Design

Database Design and Webmaster: Greg Wirth, Louisiana Office of Cultural Development
Editorial Assistance: Maida Owens, Folklife Program, Louisiana Division of the Arts
Website Design: Matt Johnson
Website Support: Tamika Edwards Raby, Louisiana Division of the Arts

Image Processing

Kerry Davis, Traece Tullos, Bridget Hecox, Katrina Parker, Matt Johnson

Data Entry

Kerry Davis, Traece Tullos, Bridget Hecox, Ginger Hoover, Corey Whaley

Quilt Documentation Teams 2001-2005

Louisiana Regional Folklife Program Region 1, Louisiana Tech University

Photographs and Interviews: Susan Roach, Kerry Davis, Traece Tullos, Katrina Parker, Matt Johnson, Stephanie Pepper Sims

Volunteers: Martha Gilbert, Ladye Harveston, Sheila Haynes, Shelby McDuff, Jean Oldham, Emily Prichard, Camillia Parker, David Sims, Nick Tullos, and others

Louisiana Regional Folklife Program Region 5, University of New Orleans

Photographs and Interviews: Laura Westbrook, Sarah Lewis Volunteers: Nicole Taylor, Susan Muller

Louisiana Regional Folklife Program Region 2, Northwestern State University

Photographs and Interviews: Dayna Lee


Louisiana Quilt Project (begun as Caddo-Bossier Quilt Search and expanded)
Project directors/organizers: Judy Godfrey and Sandy Todaro
Volunteer Coordinator: Pat Lonnecker


Masur Museum Quilt Documentation

Photographs and Interviews: Marion Callas, Michael Luster, Susan Roach
Assistance from Masur Museum Staff, Monroe, La.

This project was supported by a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts, Office of Cultural Development, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism in cooperation with the Louisiana State Arts Council. Funding support has also been provided by the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

Susan Roach is a folklorist at Louisiana Tech University.